Wharton Stories: Clusters and Cohorts

“There are a lot of changes I would like to see and be a part of in sports. The diversity of thought that Wharton provides is crucial for me at this point in my career.” – Hig Roberts, WG’25

How an Executive Navigates Identity and Inclusion in Business

“Being at Wharton is actually a great time to start a family. It certainly takes a village – but you have so much support here. Wharton gave me more decision-making power and flexibility in becoming a mother than I would have ever imagined.” — Nancy Yuan, WG’24

How Wharton’s “New Parents Accommodation Policy” Supports Young Families

“As a Wharton grad, I feel prepared for any challenge because I have this community of people standing by me for life.” – Neha Rastogi, WG’24

Finding Lifelong Community in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives

“I applied to Wharton as an international student, so I understand that it’s always more helpful talking to someone that’s been in your shoes. I think having this programming is a great way for prospective students from Africa or of African descent to engage with other Africans at Wharton and ask specific questions about our MBA experience.” — Aramide Akinkugbe, WG24

Celebrating 30 Years of the Wharton Africa Business Forum

“I realized how extraordinary the past several months have been. The people I’ve interacted with, the insights I’ve gained, and the places I’ve visited are simply remarkable.” – Julian Fields-Jackson, W’27

A Wharton First-Year’s Reflection

“The faculty are not just experts in their fields; they’re also mentors who want to see their students succeed.” – Brandon Cohen, WG’18

How Two Wharton EMBA Alums Constructed New Business

“At Wharton, you can truly customize your experience and tailor it to your goals. I realized there were so many things I could do and consider, but having my top priorities in mind at all times helped prevent analysis paralysis and maximize my time effectively.” – Sara Ganz, WG’24 and MBA Leadership Fellow

Back-to-School Wisdom From a Wharton MBA Leadership Fellow

“You are going to meet people at Pre-Term who are going to be in your life for the rest of your life, so take time to get to know everyone around you.” — Kristen Auch, Director of External Strategy, MBA Admissions

Wharton MBA Pre-Term: An Unforgettable Orientation Experience

Handpicked by Google to lead their Developer Student Club at Penn, Sapphira Ching, W’24, also founded Penn’s first ESG innovation-driven club.

A Wharton Undergrad Pursues Passions for ESG and Innovation

“The best part about serving in the military is the people you serve with, and I’ve found this same sense of comradery with my fellow Wharton vets. From day one, we became a very close-knit group.” – Gia DeHart, WG’24

Honoring Veteran Students in the Wharton MBA Program for Executives